Welcome to My Daily Whale!

Do you ever feel like you have thoughts and ideas bubbling up inside of you looking for a outlet and a way to be shared?  About 6 months ago, out of nowhere, I started to feel this way big time.

The urge to find my voice and to write, to take what swirls around in my head and my heart and put it down on paper, came on strong.  I felt drawn to capture and share the things that inspire me,  the nuggets of opportunity that can be found in every situation, and the people, places and moments that bring joy, contentment and fulfillment to my life.

what-if-you-flyLast summer, when the little voice in my head started to say “write…write…write” my heart answered with a resounding “YES…this feels right!”.  However, the voice of my inner critic responded with an equally resounding and strident “are you freaking crazy??!”  

I am a fairly private person so the idea of putting my thoughts out into the world brings up a lot of vulnerability for me.  In the lead up to launching My Daily Whale, resistance and doubt have been regular and familiar companions.  I have asked myself repeatedly, “why do you think you can write?  And even if you can, what makes you think anyone would be interested in your musings on life?”  Oh, the joys of the inner critic!

At the same time I have experienced an unmistakable pull to take a leap of faith and start putting a little bit more of myself out into the world, to be more vulnerable, more open.  What is the worst that can happen?  I guess the worst that can happen is that no one reads my blog or those that do think my time would be better spent elsewhere.

But what if?  What if what I write resonates with someone?  What if what I write inspires someone to take action in their life? What if what I write gives voice to something someone else has not yet found a way to express?  What if?

To me, the “What If’s” are worth the risk and I’m ready to take the leap and see if I can fly.

Thanks for coming along on this journey!

To read more about how My Daily Whale came about click here.